our mission
A Soft Word is a blog that focuses on thinking biblically about femininity and analyzes current Christian and cultural issues (Titus 2, Romans 2:12, Ephesians 5:11)
“For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret. But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light. (Ephesians 5:8-14)
“…But let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious. (1 Peter 3:4)”
about the author
Sarah Lorine Wills is a former New Age Life Coach turned Ministry Wife. In 2019 Jesus saved Sarah out New Age spirituality and a life of sin. He later reformed her heart through His Word on hot cultural topics like feminism, Marxism, and intersectionality. She is passionate about applying a biblical worldview to all areas of life through her writing.
Sarah is married to Gabriel, a wonderful man who serves as worship director at their church in San Jose, California. Sarah has been an educator for 12 years and is a mother of two sweet girls. When she is not scribbling she can be found singing, taking care of babies, devouring podcasts, cooking, and serving her church, friends, and family to the best of her ability.